BackupBuddy is a powerful yet easy to use backup tool for PalmOS handhelds and attached memory cards. This incredible program has the ability to completely restore a handheld after loss, theft, synchronization errors, dead batteries, resets, errant programs or malware. completely restore a handheld after loss, theft, synchronization errors, dead batteries, resets, errant programs or malware. Moreover, the program features a very simple and intuitive user interface which does not need any technical knowledge to be operated and makes this task a breeze. During synchronization this program automatically takes its own snapshot of every change you make to all of your handheld files, so you can effortlessly recall any combination of files from any backup made in the past. What is more, the application also retrieves previous files individually that have been deleted or overwritten, including ALL previous versions backed up by BackupBuddy. All in all, if you are looking for a comprehensive backup solution for your handheld, BackupBuddy is perfect for you.